Dog food is also an issue that many owners are concerned about. Join Pet Like Park to check out popular dog food brands on the market through the following article!

Dog food is divided into two main types: dry food and wet food. In particular, dry food is very popular in the dog food market because of its convenience as well as ideal nutritional composition.

However, not everyone knows how to choose grain dog food that is nutritious and suitable for each stage of the dog’s development. Join Pet Like Park to immediately discover popular dog food brands on the market today!

  1. Ganador 

Ganador grain food originates from France. Currently in Vietnam there is a factory producing Ganador grain food, so finding and buying the product is quite easy. The brand with 60 years of companionship and development has received the support and trust of many pet owners around the world.

Nutritional ingredients from natural ingredients such as wheat, rice flour, poultry meal, chicken, lamb, soybean meal and minerals should ensure absolute safety for the health of bosses.

Features and uses

– Suitable for large dog breeds such as: Shepherd, Malinois, Pitbull, Rottweiler,…

– High content of DHA and milk helps your puppy eat easily and fully nutritious

– Develops the brain and helps strengthen bones

– For puppies, helps strengthen immunity and digestive system

2. Zenith Puppy

Zenith Puppy Chicken & Potato soft grain puppy food is rich in nutrients and vitamins that are especially good for puppy development. The product comes from the high-end BOW BOW brand, originating from Korea.

Zenith Puppy soft kibble puppy food is made from fresh lamb, brown rice, lean chicken, salmon oil and oats – fresh, clean ingredients, Zenith Puppy soft kibble provides high moisture and low salt content, Good for puppies’ digestive system.

Features and uses

– For puppies under 1 year old

– Helps reduce fecal odor and body odor

– Enhance resistance and prevent diseases

– Beautify skin, beautify hair

– Enhance intestinal health, good digestion, prevent diarrhea

– Especially does not cause allergies

 3. Duolight Dog 

A brand of dog food originating from Korea, although it has just been launched, it is loved by many people because of its deliciousness, divided into dog food in 2 stages: small dogs and large dogs with Nutrition suitable for each different stage.

Duolight Dog product ingredients contain:

– Egg yolks: contain quality protein with high digestibility, and contain lots of vitamin D for strong bones and teeth.

-Chicken, beef, pork: complete protein sources, containing most of the amino acids necessary for the dog’s body; muscle growth and maintenance; Supports the immune system and heart health.

-Salmon, mackerel, tuna: provide lots of omega-3 fatty acids; reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack; maintain bone and skin health; Balanced amino acids are good for health.

-Contains vitamins such as vitamin E and selenium that protect cells against free radicals; Antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin, beta carotene protect corpus luteum cells combined with vitamin A and taurine to help keep eyes bright and clear.

In addition, Omega 3 supplements rich in DHA with the support of lecithin help develop brain and cognition.

4. Royal Canin 

The Royal Canin brand was founded in 1968 in France by physician – Dr. Cathary. After more than 50 years of continuous improvement and development, Royal Canin is present in most continents, including Vietnam.

With ingredients including bean flour, barley, chicken fat, corn and natural flavors, Royal Canin is confident that it is a nutritious dog food that is trusted by customers.

Features and uses

– Products have all types suitable for each stage of dog development

– Especially suitable for dog breeds such as: Poodle, Chihuahua, Pug, Bulldog

– Good for the digestive system because it contains high protein to help absorb nutrients as best as possible

– Supports short-term energy needs

– Protects your puppy’s dental health, minimizing the formation of dental plaque and tartar thanks to antioxidant nutrients researched and proven by scientists.

5. Smartheart 

The Smartheart brand is a product line from Perfect Companion Group (PCG) – Thailand. Smartheart production line has achieved ISO 9001 international certification.

Nutritional ingredients containing Colin and DHA, phosphorus and calcium, Selenium, Fatty acids and Omega 3 and Omega 6 are very good for the health and coat of dogs.

Features and uses

– For both adult dogs and puppies

– Nutritional content is calculated and quantified, convenient for use

– Easy to store and carry on long trips

– Limit intestinal diseases such as infectious diseases, worms and tapeworms

– Reasonable price, suitable for the economic conditions of many families

6. Classic Pets

Classic Pets is a famous pet food brand of CP Classic Thailand. The product has received the love of many Vietnamese pet owners not only because of its appropriate nutritional content but also quite delicious flavor, stimulating the taste buds of the bosses.

Ingredients include many nutrients from starch, fat, vitamins and many minerals that are good for your dog’s health.

Features and uses

– Products for dog breeds such as: French Bulldog, Bulldog, Golden, Tibetan Mastiff,…

– Supplement adequate energy for dog training and play activities

– Provides nutritional fats, stimulates eating

– Helps bones, joints and cartilage develop normally

– Vitamins help create minerals for bones and teeth, strengthen the immune system and vision.

So where should I buy dog ​​food?

You can buy online at shops on major e-commerce sites such as Shopee, Lazada,… or go directly to stores specializing in providing pet care services in the area.
Some shops you can refer to are: Pet Like Park, Petshop Saigon, Famipet, Petmart,…

Above are popular dog food brands on the market today. Hopefully these will be great suggestions for parents who are raising their little boss for the first time.