On November 22, 2023, Pet Like Park clinic received treatment for baby June (female, British shorthair cat, about 6 months old). When she arrived at the clinic, June was in a state of exhaustion and had symptoms. breathing problems. After nearly 2 weeks of treatment, June has recovered and is eating normally again. We have tried to contact June’s owner to pick her up but so far, we have not been able to contact her owner.
If you are June’s owner or have any information about her owner, please contact Pet Like Park immediately. We are very worried and want June to return to her owner.
Thank you everyone for your help and sharing this message so we can find June’s owner.

Please contact us to pick up your baby
– Hotline: 1900 571 544
– Website: petlikepark.com.vn
– Address: 289A Lien Phuong, Phuoc Long B, City. Thu Duc, HCM